Welcome to our weekly quality improvement support series for 2024.
“It’s our polite nudge in the ribs to help you and your team stay organised and on task.”
This week’s subject is Incident and emergency management.
Element 2.2.2: Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practised and implemented.
Has your service maintained a consistent record of emergency and evacuation rehearsals that are documented and reviewed regularly?
Have you conducted an audit to ensure maximum participation for children, educators and staff across the service?
It is essential that, in the event of an emergency, staff are confident in their ability to handle the situation effectively, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, families, and visitors.
For educators and children to respond appropriately during an emergency, thorough planning and regular, documented rehearsals are crucial. Regular emergency drills not only prepare staff and children for such situations but also provide valuable opportunities to strengthen children’s coping skills and resilience.
When reviewing your practices and procedures for emergency evacuation rehearsals and documentation ensure that your service:
- documents and evaluates all emergency and evacuation drills. Ensure these are signed, dated and filed in the appropriate file/folder
- updates children’s emergency records regularly and ensure these are available in a portable version to take in the event of an emergency or evacuation
- considers the most effective way to schedule practice sessions (and reminders) for the year i.e. in an electronic or desktop diary
- practices rehearsals/drills every three months the service is operating, and each rehearsal must be documented and evaluated
- has a process for ensuring maximum participation across the service, i.e. rehearsals could run over the course of the week (for each emergency drill/type) to include as many children and staff as possible
- has all emergency evacuation floor plans and evacuation procedures/instructions displayed clearly in a prominent position near all exits within the service
- reflects on risk minimisation plans for children enrolled in the service who have a specific health care need, allergy or medical condition- e.g. asthma attack, anaphylactic reaction
- reviews the risk assessment completed to determine the type of emergencies that are relevant for your service, at least annually and as soon as practicable after becoming aware of any circumstance that may affect the safe evacuation of children from the service (r97 (2)(2A))
- audits children and staff’s attendance within your service to ensure all children and staff are regularly included in emergency and evacuation drills throughout the year
- has a sign/s prepared to place on the door during an evacuation/lock down rehearsal to advise families that there is an emergency drill in progress
- considers nominating and consulting with a relevant person to observe the rehearsal using an Emergency Response Exercise Observer Checklist
- staff are aware of the service’s emergency procedures and plans, including any matters specifically affecting services or family day care residences/venues located in multi-storey buildings (r97 (1)(c))
Guide to the NQF- Element 2.2.2: Incident and emergency management
Multi-Storey Buildings: Evacuations and Approvals
Emergency and Evacuation Policy Guidelines
Emergency and Evacuation Rehearsals
Consulting Relevant Authorities, Communication and Notifications
Within System7 go to Quality Area 2/ Modules 24–29 to submit self-assessment notes and if required, open a QIP issue if you identify any areas of improvement.
The Childcare Centre Desktop has a range of resources to assist services with incident and emergency management. These include Emergency Management Plan, Emergency and Evacuation Policy, Emergency and Evacuation Procedure and Guide, Emergency and Evacuation Week Procedure and Guide, Potential Emergency Rehearsal Record, Emergency Evacuation Rehearsal Letter to Families, Emergency Evacuation Rehearsal Calendar and much more.
Resources, NQS Element, Regulation and System7 links:
Childcare Centre Desktop – Childcare Centre Desktop
National Quality Standard – QA 2/ 2.2.2- Incident and emergency management
National Regulations – 97, 98, 160, 161, 162, 168, 177, 178
System7 Module – QA2/ Modules 24–29
If you have any questions, send us a note via the Contact page here!