Welcome to our weekly quality improvement support series for 2025.
“It’s our polite nudge in the ribs to help you and your team stay organised and on task.”
This week’s subject is Position descriptions
Element 7.1.3: Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and understood, and support effective decision-making and operation of the service.
Have you recently reviewed your position descriptions for all positions within your service to ensure that they accurately detail all of the responsibilities within each role?
With the beginning of a new year and several regulatory and sector updates in the last two years, it’s crucial that services look beyond the review and update of policies and procedures, and consider what amendments should also be made to ensure that all job descriptions are up to date and roles and responsibilities are clearly defined for each employee. Position descriptions are a living document that should be a part of a regular review cycle to ensure they correctly detail all of the current, individual responsibilities within each role to ensure they remain a relevant resource to support effective recruitment, induction of new employees and performance management.
In addition to well written position descriptions, approved providers and management must take steps to ensure and document that an employee’s position description has been agreed upon and understood. When the roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined and understood by all parties, there will be less likelihood of misalignment.
Ensure job descriptions are detailed and clearly outline:
- the specific roles and responsibilities of the position, including:
- any legislated responsibilities as defined in the National Law and National Regulations
- ensuring compliance with child protection and workplace health and safety laws and codes of practice
- implementation of the ECA Code of Ethics
- the approved provider’s expectations
- information to be used as the basis of measuring, monitoring and reviewing the performance of nominated supervisors, educators, educational leaders, coordinators and staff members
To ensure compliance, transparency and support staff to understand their roles and responsibilities, ensure you implement the following:
- Ensure staff review, understand and agree (in writing) to the contents of their position description at the time of appointment and during their induction period
- Have each staff member sign a copy of their job description and initial each page as part of the employment contract
- Maintain a copy of each employee’s signed position description in their individual file/staff record
- Following the review and updates to individual descriptions, ensure the employee reads, understands and agrees (in writing) to their updated description. Provide the employee a copy of the updated version for their records and maintain the original in the employee’s individual file
- Use position descriptions as a guide and tool to measure performance during appraisal meetings, ensuring that roles and responsibilities are reflected on regularly by employees and opportunity is provided for any discussion and clarification about individual expectations and responsibilities.
We Hear You- 4 tips for clear service roles and responsibilities
Quality Area 7- Something in it for everyone
Supporting Performance and Development of Professionals
Within System7 go to Quality Area 7/ Modules 29 and 38 to submit self-assessment notes and if required, open a QIP issue if you identify any areas of improvement.
The Childcare Centre Desktop has a range of resources to assist services with roles and responsibilities. These include Position Description templates, Recruitment Policy, Performance Management Policy, Performance Review Form and much more.
Resources, NQS Element, Regulation and System7 links:
Childcare Centre Desktop – Childcare Centre Desktop
National Quality Standard – QA 7/ 7.1.3- Roles and responsibilities
National Regulations – 84, 168, 169, 170
System7 Module – QA 7/ Modules 29 and 38
If you have any questions send us a note via the Contact page here!