QIP Nudges

Risk Assessments

By September 27, 2022 No Comments

Welcome to our weekly quality improvement support series for 2022.

“It’s our polite nudge in the ribs to help you and your team stay organised and on task.”

This week’s subject is Risk Assessments

Element 3.2.1: Upkeep

Premises, furniture and equipment are safe, clean and well maintained

Services must ensure that effective systems are in place to ensure the health and safety of the children in their care. Element 3.1.2 focuses on the upkeep of the physical environment, including equipment and furniture. Upkeep refers to the responsibility of services to implement effective maintenance, cleaning and appropriate safety precautions, which also helps prevent injuries and the spread of infectious diseases.

Conducting risk assessments is an integral part of the overall process and procedures of ensuring the physical environment is safe for use. It allows educators to identify and assess any potential risks and develop appropriate strategies to manage or eliminate the risk. Managing risks and hazards should be embedded in daily practice.

In addition to safety checks, risk assessments should be conducted regularly to ensure that children are protected from harm or hazard whilst maintaining an enriching learning environment. Ensure that there is a clear process for service stakeholders to report any hazards to staff or management and these must be acted upon immediately.  

Risk can arise:

  • through any part of the environment where education and care is provided to children including the physical environment, staff members and other people at the service 
  • from an action or through a failure to act 
  • from systemic failures, such as an Approved Provider not having adequate systems in place to manage and control risks.

Resources / links:

Keeping Pets and Animals in Education and Care Services

Risk assessment and management

We Hear You- Physical Environment

ACECQA Risk Assessment and Management Tool

Kidsafe Australia

Standards Australia

Within System7 go to Quality Area 3/Module 5 to submit self-assessment notes and if required, open a QIP issue if you identify any areas of improvement.

The Childcare Centre Desktop has a range of resources to assist services with upkeep. These include a range of safety check and risk assessment templates for LDC, FDC & OSHC.

Resources, NQS Element, Regulation and System7 links

Childcare Centre Desktop – Childcare Centre Desktop

National Quality Standard – QA 3/ 3.1.2 – Upkeep

National Regulations – Part 4.3- Physical environment 

System7 Module – QA 3/ Module 5

If you have any questions send us a note via the Contact page here!