Welcome to our weekly quality improvement support series for 2022.
“It’s our polite nudge in the ribs to help you and your team stay organised and on task.”
This week’s subject is Rosters and Ratios
Element 4.1.1: Organisation of educators
The organisation of educators across the service supports children’s learning and development.
How does the organisation of educators throughout the day/week support children’s learning, development and sense of belonging?
It is crucial that services ensure there are sufficient, qualified educators available at all times while children are being educated and cared for. The rosters should be organised to ensure ratios are always maintained and foster continuity of care. Educators are likely to be responsive, purposeful and reflective when staffing arrangements at the service enable them to direct their full attention to their work with children, and when they do not have to attend simultaneously to other tasks.
- Educator to child ratios apply at all times that children are present
- Educators must be working directly with children to be included in ratios.
- A record of educators working directly with children must be kept.
- You must ensure that the documentation includes the name, signature and times that each educator worked directly with children.
- A staff roster is not sufficient proof as a record of adequate supervision as it does not consider any adjustments made during the day.
Questions to guide quality practice:
- How do our staffing arrangements support educators to direct their full attention to their work with children, including getting to know each child?
- How do our staffing arrangements support each child’s learning and development and contribute to a high-quality education and care environment?
- How are our staff employed to ensure that staffing arrangements at our service always meet educator-to-child ratios and qualification requirements?
- How does our staffing roster support continuity of care and positive experiences for children on a day-to-day basis?
- How do the organisation of staff and the roster support educators to develop positive and respectful relationships with families?
- How do we provide for educators to have time for meal breaks, administration, programming, and other non-contact time to meet with parents, inclusion support professionals, working with other local services such as local schools and family support and disability organisations?
Quality Area 4: Staffing Arrangements
Belonging, Being and Becoming for Educators
Attracting and retaining staff
Within System7 go to Quality Area 4/ Modules 1, 2 & 3 to submit self-assessment notes and if required, open a QIP issue if you identify any areas of improvement.
The Childcare Centre Desktop has a range of resources to assist services with staffing arrangements. These include Recruitment Policy (LDC, OSHC, FDC), Responsible Person Policy (LDC, OSHC, FDC), Responsible Person Procedure (LDC, OSHC, FDC), Roster Template, Relief Staff Availability template and much more.
Resources, NQS Element, Regulation and System7 links:
Childcare Centre Desktop – Childcare Centre Desktop
National Quality Standard – QA 4/ 4.1.1- Organisation of educators
National Regulations – Part 4.4 Staffing arrangements, 271- Educator to child ratios
System7 Module – QA 4/ Modules 1, 2 & 3
If you have any questions send us a note via the Contact page here!