QIP Nudges

Service and Staff Rosters

By February 21, 2023 February 22nd, 2023 No Comments

Welcome to our weekly quality improvement support series for 2023.

“It’s our polite nudge in the ribs to help you and your team stay organised and on task.”

This week’s subject is Service and staff rosters

Element 6.2.1: Transitions – Continuity of learning and transitions for each child are supported by sharing information and clarifying responsibilities

Are your rosters arranged in a way to ensure continuity of care during transitions? 

Intentional and strategic planning when developing staff rosters is crucial in supporting children and families during transitions. This is not limited to morning drop off times, but also for a range of transitions that occur throughout the day, i.e., mealtimes, nappy change and sleep and rest.

Wherever possible, services should plan their rosters to maintain consistency of care and foster a sense of security and belonging throughout the day and across the week. Consider the following strategies when planning for consistency across the Service routine:

    • Where possible, roster educators on similar working hours each day to maximise continuity of education and care, foster a sense of security, belonging and positive  relationships. This is particularly relevant when transitioning children aged 0-3years and children with additional needs
    • Effective verbal and written communication between educators during handover from one shift to the next 
    • Communicate staffing arrangements with families, e.g., when a staff member will be on leave or introduction to a new staff member
    •  Allocate a key educator to each new child and organise your rosters to ensure they are available to support the child each morning that the child attends the Service
    • Include a learning story in the enrolment pack which includes a photo and an introduction to the key educator as well as an introduction to the educators in the child’s allocated room. The story should include details of the process of being dropped off at the service and saying “goodbye” to their parent/guardian
    • Ensure that educators are available during arrival and departure times to welcome and farewell children and their families.
    • Consider rostering additional staff during transitional times and at the beginning of the year when many new children are starting at the Service or transitioning to the next room 

School Age Care:

    • Allocate an educator to induct new children to the Service (routines, rules, physical environment, play spaces and general housekeeping) at the beginning of each Before, After School or Vacation Care session
    • Consider implementing a buddy system, partnering an older child with a younger child to help support them when starting at the Service 
    • For the first part of the year, plan experiences catered to kindergarten children to allow greater opportunity for educators to engage with and support younger children as they settle into the Service. Encourage older children to participate in these experiences by assisting Kindergarten children. 
    • Written communication between before and after school care staff


Transitions for babies and toddlers

Strategies to help children transition through their day

Transitions: Moving in, moving up and moving on

Plan Effective Transitions for Children (In ECEC services)

Within System7 go to Quality Area 6/Module 17 to submit self-assessment notes and if required, open a QIP issue if you identify any areas of improvement.

Resources, NQS Element, Regulation and System7 links:

National Quality Standard – QA 6/ 6.2.1- Transitions 

National Regulations –  111122168

System7 Module – QA 6/ Module 17

If you have any questions send us a note via the Contact page here!