QIP Nudges

Translated information for families

By April 5, 2022 April 7th, 2022 No Comments

Welcome to our weekly quality improvement support series for 2022.

“It’s our polite nudge in the ribs to help you and your team stay organised and on task.”

This week’s subject is: Translated information for families

Element: 6.1.1- Engagement with the Service

Families are supported from enrolment to be involved in the service and contribute to service decisions

Does your Service provide current and relevant information to families in languages that are represented throughout your Service?

In today’s diverse society, with often many families representing different cultures and English being their second language, it’s increasingly more important to support your families and practice inclusivity by providing information in the languages relevant to your setting and community.

Enrolment and Orientation:

Enrolment and orientation are a crucial time where families are becoming familiar with your Service environment, your Educators and staff and Service operations. It can be daunting for children and their families transitioning to a new Service (or starting care for the first time), without the added challenge of a language barrier when trying to communicate crucial information. Support your families (from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds) by providing translated information in their language. This could include the Family Handbook, relevant policies (these can include, but not limited to Medical Conditions Policy and any relevant medical condition policy i.e.  Asthma Policy, Dealing with Complaints Policy, Child Safe Environment Policy, Clothing Policy, Educational Program Policy, Arrival and Departure Policy, Sleep and Rest Policy, Family Communication Policy, Privacy & Confidentiality Policy) Child Care Subsidy information etc.

Community Information:

Provide brochures and information about community events and services in your local area. Local councils often provide information in community languages. Visit your local council to collect brochures on community support services or simply download and print. Some council websites have a feature on their website which allows you to select what language to view the information in. You can then print this information to share with families.

Interpretation services:

Each state or territory government provides early childhood services with access to telephone, video, and on-site interpreters. General information, resources and support can be obtained from the Department of Family and/or Community Services relative to your State or Territory.

Ensure the contact details for booking an interpreter is clearly displayed in the office area and all staff are aware of the process. Bookings may be online, via telephone or email.

Online translators:

There are free translators that can be accessed via your desktop or download the apps to your smartphone/device:

Google Translate- Browser link  Google translate app

iTranslate app

Resources for families:

Ethnic Community Services Co-operative

Support for families and carers from a CALD background with a disability-Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association

Resources for services:

Translating and Interpreting Service -131450

Using Translating and Interpreting Services in Early Childhood Services

Within System7 go to Quality Area 6/Module 2 to submit self-assessment notes and if required, open a QIP issue if you identify any areas of improvement.

The Childcare Centre Desktop has a range of resources to assist services with element 6.1.1. These include the Anti Bias and Inclusion Policy (OSHC), English as an Additional Language or Dialect Policy (OSHC), Inclusive Audit, Strategic Inclusion Plan-Guide and more.

Resources, NQS Element, Regulation and System7 links

Childcare Centre Desktop – Childcare Centre Desktop

National Quality Standard – QA 6/ 6.1.1- Engagement with the service

National Regulations –157

System7 Module – QA 6/ Module 2

If you have any questions send us a note via the Contact page here!